Condition Descriptions
We primarily stock handbags and accessories that come directly from the brand's boutiques. Our items are typically accompanied with the same items that come with the bag when purchased at the boutique, including original box and dust bags. We also carry a small selection of gently used and vintage items.
The condition and accompaniments are found on each item’s product page.
Bags of Personality classifies conditions as following:
New and/or never worn
The item is in pristine condition and has never been used since it was purchased from the brand boutique all of its original accompaniments
This item is in near pristine condition. It has been worn no more than a few times but shows virtually no signs of wear on the leather or hardware. Mint items often come with all (or most) of the original accompaniments and to the untrained eye can often pass as never carried.
Excellent condition
This item has been used but is still in beautiful condition. There will be minor signs of wear to the leather and/or hardware but the wear does not distract from the overall look of the item.
Vintage mint
This item is vintage but given its age is in impeccable condition. There may be minimal wear to the leather and/or hardware and slight signs of natural aging. Signs of natural aging can (but do not necessarily) include slight loss of structure and/or loss of puffiness to the quilting of the leather.
Vintage excellent
This item is vintage and shows natural signs of aging. This item will also have some wear to the leather and/or hardware.